Salve for Souls

Tuesday, December 11, 2018


(Sample devotion from "Where Your Heart Meets God's)
"Then was I in his eyes as one that found favour" (Song of Solomon 8:10, KJV).
God's words to us generally fall into two categories, called logos and rhema. The Rev. Danny Daniels, Director of Prayer and Prophetic at Park Avenue Baptist Church in Titusville, Florida, explained the meaning of these Greek words.
"Logos is the written word of God, as well as the living Word, Jesus Christ. Rhema is a personalized word from God, which might come out of the logos."
To illustrate these terms, I would ask the reader to imagine herself standing in a cheering crowd, straining to catch a glimpse of a king as he passes in his royal carriage, surrounded by his entourage.
You might see him for a moment, or you might be inspired by some words he may pause to speak. However to you, the king would remain distant—someone you read about, see on the news or know facts about. He would not be a friend in whom you would confide your joys and sorrows.
Sadly, this is how many Christians relate to God. They read their Bibles and learn facts about Him, even life-changing facts. But God is not someone with whom they carry on a two-way conversation. His word, the Bible, remains the logos "written" word. It might address the reader's finances, marriage, family or life situations; however, she does not hear the personal love song of the author's heart.
Now, imagine yourself back in the crowd, but this time you see the king glance in your direction. Across the multitudes, his eyes meet yours. The king orders his driver to stop and he emerges from his carriage.
The throngs hush and part as he makes his way closer and closer, causing your heart to beat faster and faster. Reaching you at last, the king extends his hand and leads you to his carriage, where you commune face to face.
This is the rhema message, the kingdom of God within the believer's heart.[i] It is heaven here and now—reaching out to you.
PEARL TO PONDER: In the 16th century, St. Teresa of Avila, Spain, wrote a book, "The Interior Castle." What does that title mean to you?
LOVE NUGGET: "I have summoned you by name; you are mine."[ii]
*Read more devotions like this one in "Where Your Heart Meets God's," published by MillerWords.

[i] See Luke 17:21
[ii] Isaiah 43:1, NIV

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