Salve for Souls

Wednesday, November 18, 2020


One click of my computer’s mouse and I was headed toward disaster.

As I put the final touches on my inspirational thriller, "The Face Behind the Veil," and about to e-mail it to my publisher, I decided to change a character’s name from Joseph to Stanley.
In an instant, this global change was made throughout the 600 page, three-part document, which traces the legend of the birth veil through three generations.

That was the only change I made after the book underwent extensive editing. Confident it was error-free, I clicked the mouse and off it went. It wasn’t long before I received the galley proof to review and approve, so the printing process could begin.

Weary of the seven-year project and the tedious historical research that had gone into it, I almost didn’t review the galley. But something in me couldn’t let it go until I did. That must have been Providential.  Imagine my surprise when I discovered how that last minute name change affected a scene where the Christmas story is told. In horror, I read the following.

"Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary
was espoused to Stanley, before they came together, she was found with
child of the Holy Ghost. Then Stanley her husband, being a just man, and
not willing to make her a public example, was minded to put her away
privily. But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the
Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Stanley, thou son of David,
fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost . . .. Then Stanley being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife:" (Matthew 1:18-20, 24).
After getting over my initial shock, I made the necessary changes.

However, rather than globally, I did this the old-fashioned way, one at a time.
Flora invites you to look inside her books on Amazon. Published by MillerWords.

The face Behind the Veil: Historical Fiction 

The Castle in the Sun Series

Book 1: Love's Sweetest Revenge: Romantic-Suspense

Thursday, November 5, 2020


It was "Sarah's" first time at our writers' critique group. Her eyes wide with expectation, the young woman sat on the edge of her seat. She appeared poised to dazzle us by reading from the book she was writing. Certainly, she believed it destined to be a bestseller.

Our group consisted of journalists, novelists, editors and beginners. We met regularly to evaluate and polish each other's writing. We divided the time, each reading aloud from a work in progress, then the rest of us offering our input. It was our policy to begin each critique with praise, before suggesting ways the story might be improved. This worked until Sarah joined us.

That meeting started out like all the others. Sitting in a circle, we each took our turn. Then Sarah's turn came.

Proudly clutching her manuscript, she cleared her throat and with a big smile, began reading. At first, I thought it was only me to whom none of it made any sense. There was no story or plot, only disconnected thoughts that went nowhere.

Sarah was still smiling when she finished and looked us over, as if waiting for the accolades. We were supposed to begin with praise, but no one could think of even one positive thing. The room was as quiet as a tomb as Sarah's smile faded.

Kay, an editor known for her diplomacy, began. As gently as possible, she told our newbie the truth. Sarah did not take it well. Her eyes filled with tears.

"My husband said the story is wonderful," she blurted, sobbing. 

She then ran from the room, slamming the door behind her. Kay followed, trying to smooth things over. But it was too late. The damage was done.

After that fateful day, I would occasionally bump into Sarah. I tried speaking with her and asked about her writing, but she always brushed me off. The contempt in her face revealed dislike for me and others in the critique group. We were not worthy of her time. Nor were our opinions worthy of her consideration.

That is sad because who knows where her writing could have gone, given some attention. What she read, might have been a seed of an idea that needed guidance and development--like all of our writing projects.

Our critique group would have helped Sarah along her journey. And writing is always a journey, often long and hard.

It is likely that Sarah's husband thought he was being kind by telling her what she wanted to hear, rather than what she needed to hear. She believed him and it impeded her development.
However, I know from experience that the soul of any serious writer is battle-scarred from criticism, harsh editors, brutal critiques and rejection of our work. Still, we go on. We keep writing, learning and hopefully, improving. Of necessity, we develop a thick skin like our friend to the right
As far as I know, Sarah's work never went anywhere.
"Of all sad words of tongue or penthe saddest are these, 'It might have been."

A journalist and novelist, Flora invites you to check out the three books in her Castle in the Sun, romantic suspense series.

Book 1, Love's Sweetest Revenge: 

Book 2, Love's Sweetest Deliverance.

Book 3, Love's Sweetest Truth

Please also check out Flora's Devotional, Where Your Heart Meets God's.
E-book FREE for a limited time.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020



Excerpt from Chapter 1, Love's Sweetest Revenge
Where could Liz run in the vast forest?

Liz forced her thoughts back to the sights and sounds of the forest. She realized something had changed. The forest was quiet … too quiet. The wind had stilled. Birds were no longer singing. Liz paused, her eyes darting one way, then another. As a cloud moved over the sun, a sense of danger crept over the landscape.Suddenly, a snapping twig shattered the stillness and a flock of birds launched into the sky, their chirping and flapping wings fading away. Then, a growl seemed to shake the ground beneath Liz.
She froze, almost afraid to breathe. Is this how it’s going to end for me?
Fear tingled up and down Liz’s spine as her eyes drifted to a clearing, where a black bear was sniffing the air.
She saw two cubs, partly concealed by brush. Her heart pounded in her chest.
Steve’s warnings screamed across her mind. Bears have a keen sense of smell. If you see one, don’t try to run away. Back away slowly. Yell at the bear. Firmly tell it to leave. Get out of here! Especially beware of a mother bear with cubs.
Then, in one horrible moment, the bear charged in her direction. In a blind panic Liz also ran, forgetting everything Steve had told her. Though the episode lasted scarcely a minute, time seemed to move in slow motion.

What will happen to Liz? Find out more in Love's Sweetest Revenge, first in the Castle in the Sun, romantic-suspense series

Book 2, Love's Sweetest Deliverance
Even as Liz revels in her engagement to Carlos and celebrates Christmas with him, she can feel  her ex-husband's cold, blue eyes watching her every move. How far will he go?

Book 3, Love's Sweetest Truth:
So, you think your past is past? So did Liz and Carlos,
until Monique and temptation catch up with him in Paris.

* Covers by Mark Miller of MillerWords Books.
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